COVID-19 We know that the situation for many consumers has changed due to the current situation. Debt remains, but willingness to pay may have decreased due to illness, care for a loved one, or loss of work / income. It is most important for us that every consumer is treated with a high degree of empathy in these difficult times. For this reason, we would like to signal that we take this situation into account. This requires a suggestion from you on how we can take the current situation into account together with the rescheduling of repayments and installment payment agreements. Contact us via email at to find a friendly solution We all have a responsibility to contribute to the community in these difficult times. We will also do our best to find good solutions that are adapted to the situation of the individual. We therefore encourage you to contact us so that we can find solutions that work for everyone involved. Stay healthy, your ScoreControl

Welcome to the
information centre of ScoreControl 

This website helps you to get an overview of your open debts. You can take care of them conveniently and get in touch with us easily, all data is encrypted.

IMPORTANT: Please note that we do NOT offer advice / appointments in our offices. You can contact us by email / phone or through this portal. Many Thanks!

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the reference number can be found on our letters or in the email subject (e.g. 61.12345 or 71.12345, 72.12345, 73.12345).

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